
In this page you will get all the details to install and configure our DJ DESK. If you have more questions, you can join our discord community.

Installing Dependences

Download xsound and ensure it before Dj-Desk.

ensure xsound
ensure nv_DjDesk

Framework Configuration

If you are using ESX or QBCore and you want to whitelist to a certain job your Dj Script, you just have to set it to the framework name:

Config.Framework = 'esx' -- Server using ESX
Config.Framework = 'qbcore' -- Server using QBCore

If you want to add certain jobs to an specific DJ DESK, just change the final lines that are regarding to the job and grade:

['Example'] = { -- From: Vanilla GTA5
    Location = { x = 0.0, y = 0.0, z = 0.0 },
    Distance = 0.0, -- Meters
    RenderDistance = 0.0,
    SmokeTime = 0,
    Default_Volume = 0.0, -- Recommended Default Volume
    LightShow = {
    Effects = {
    SmokeCoords = {
    AllowedJobs = {
        ['police'] = { 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 }, -- Change this to your job and grades
        ['ambulance'] = { 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 }, -- Change this to your job and grades

Dependences Configuration

xSound is a library to create multiple 3D sounds, so our Dj-Desk uses his API. If you are using a name-changed xSound, you can put it inside our config file:

Config.xSoundName = 'my-changed-name-xsound' -- Example

Coords Settings

We have a very detailed tutorial in our YouTube channel:


Changing Quick Access audios

You can modify our existing audios, but can't add new ones.

For modifing our quick access audios, you just have to change the URL of the sound selected to change, for example the first, second, etc... There are 8 possible auido-accesses.

Config.QuickAccessAudios = {
    [1] = 'modify-me', -- DIRECT LINK
    [2] = 'modify-me', -- DIRECT LINK
    [3] = 'modify-me', -- DIRECT LINK
    [4] = 'modify-me', -- DIRECT LINK
    [5] = 'modify-me', -- DIRECT LINK
    [6] = 'modify-me', -- DIRECT LINK
    [7] = 'modify-me', -- DIRECT LINK
    [8] = 'modify-me', -- DIRECT LINK
    -- Do not add new lines

Customizing Markers

To change marker style, you will have to change Config.Marker:

Default value: 24

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Last updated